So I decided that this time around I'm going to really try to post regularly here instead of not bothering to post until the newest Homkes has made his or her arrival.
That's right, the newest Homkes. We're 10 weeks pregnant! So far, the journey has definitely been tougher than my first pregnancy. I knew I was pregnant within a week and have only just started to get over that feeling in the past two weeks. Nausea and fatigue have abounded this time around! I'm very thankful that recently things have started to get better, but one thing has remained constant: how I feel on Mondays.
Maybe it's because we have pretty busy Sundays. We go to church once near our home and then again forty-five minutes away from home. Afterward we often have lunch with family, and sometimes we even drive a triangle to visit with husby's parents. There are also special events frequently taking place Sunday afternoons and evenings, so I'm out and about a lot more than I am on most days. We have to get up early for church and inevitably end up staying up just as late as we normally do come Sunday night.
When Monday morning arrives, I stumble out of bed late with either an awful headache or a migraine, feeling as though I'm not going to make it through the day. Also, I can't make it through the day without losing either a meal or a drink at least once. This Monday makes three Mondays in a row of this routine. What gives? The good side is that (minus the first week when I was just sick for the rest of the week) after Monday, I usually recover pretty well, have a tired day on Tuesday and am functioning again by Wednesday. If the deal is that I have to be wretchedly sick, at least it's only one day out of the week!
With my first pregnancy, I craved Taco Bell all the time. This one is very different. I want Subway *all* the time, and especially their tuna subs. Of course, I can only have those once, maybe twice a week. I also crave salads with croutons and cheese and dressing. Also, those Breakfast Scrambler pastry pockets full of fake cheese, fake egg, and maybe real sausage. I know, random. Weeks 5-8 when I was super nauseous, I basically lived on Spaghettios. The kind without meatballs, because the meatballs made the sauce taste funny to me. I'm very happy that I can eat a variety of foods now and keep them down! I'm definitely looking forward to the end of the first trimester when I hopefully get a little more energy and a little less nausea! Week 11, here I come!